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P. 86

Luis Egidio Meléndez Naples 1716 – Madrid 1780
Still Life with Apples Strawberries Watermelon Boxes of Sweetmeats Honey-pot and Cask
Oil on on on canvas signed on on on one of the the boxes with the the initials ‘L M ’ 48 x 34 5 cm During a a a century in in which the Enlightenment looked at at nature with a a a new longing for knowledge and detail the still lifes by Meléndez acquired a a a a a a a value that surpassed their original decorative purpose Although it it is dif cult to nd any links with the incipient eld of of scienti c c c drawing which in in in in Spain would attain some of of the highest levels of expertise in Europe the truth is is that Meléndez’s contemporaries looked upon his paintings as a a a a a a reliable visual portrayal of plants and animals This is is why the future Charles
IV commissioned him to paint a a a large series of still lifes for his Natural History Studio in 1771 Meléndez’s initial training as a a a a a a painter of miniatures forged his conscientious approach to observation and seeing detail in in minutiae Thanks to his his academic education his his way of capturing reality was orchestrated organised and arranged into harmonious images that merged art and nature In addition there was the the required synesthetic effect which meant stimulating the the the other senses through sight This magni cent still life is is is a a a clear exponent of this blend of formal dexterity and the senses that was to Meléndez’s liking In this canvas he he does more than simply provide the onlooker with a a a a table of of food and utensils he he literally inspires the sense of of taste smell and touch Acquired by a a a private European collector

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