Page 9 - Cane And Austin Training Guide
P. 9

Diagram 1: Young Healthy Skin
Diagram 2: Older Sun Damaged Skin
Epidermis: The top layer of skin
Dermis: The second layer of skin that contains collagen.
How Cane+Austin Glycolic Acid Works
Our products are made with pharmaceutical grade Glycolic Acid and other powerful antioxidants. They have the unique ability to speed up exfoliation by removing the epidermis, which allows the Glycolic Acid to penetrate deeper, into the dermis, where it actually creates new collagen fibroblasts and elastic tissue. Our Glycolic Acid takes that grayish, dull collagen in Diagram 2 and makes it look more like the pink, bright, healthy collagen in Diagram 1. It reverses sun damage and creates a positive structural change in the skin. This results in a more radiant complexion with a decrease in fine lines and wrinkles, shrinkage of pores and more luminous skin.
EPIDERMIS: On younger people the top layer of the skin naturally exfoliates itself every 28-30 days. As one ages, the natural exfoliation slows down and it can take as much as 40 days for your skin to exfoliate on its own. This translates to duller and drier skin.
DERMIS: The second layer of the skin is what determines age. This is where collagen is produced and where sun damage occurs. As you can see in Diagram 1, the collagen is pink and bright, with distinct separation. This translates to healthy, radiant, clear skin. As one ages, things like sun damage, environmental damage, acne, etc, start to take a toll on the dermis. The collagen in Diagram 2 is more of a dull grayish color and it is flattened out. This translates to things like duller skin, enlarged pores, hyper-pigmentation, fine lines, and acne scarring.
Epidermis: The top layer of skin
Dermis: The second layer of skin that contains collagen.

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