Page 6 - HS Viewbook 2022
P. 6

“We believe every child should know the love of Christ. Sharing His love with children is the reason we exist.”
It’s not just a class; it’s our environment.
We study God’s Word together every day, but the Christian education we provide isn’t confined to a class. Christian education at DSA takes place in an environment that is created and shaped by the love of Christ. It’s part of everything we do, woven into the fabric of our days. We apply the lessons we learn in the Bible to our daily lives. We begin and end the day with prayer. When we make mistakes, we are corrected in the light of God’s Word and forgiven. We praise God together not just with our voices, but with our actions and our decisions, too.
The Bible is our source of truth.
The Bible guides all our teaching and serves as the source of truth. When we have a question and
are searching for truth, we dig into God’s Word to find answers. In this way, all of our classes are taught from a Christian point of view.
We serve each other in love.
Because God loves us, we seek to love one another. We encourage and build each other up. We learn how to be responsible and respectful, caring and considerate. We put others before ourselves. When we serve each other, it changes the atmosphere in our classrooms, hallways, and playgrounds.
We grow in grace.
Divine Savior is a place where we grow in our relationship with Jesus our Savior. This is the ultimate preparation for life and eternity, because knowing God’s love gives us a firm foundation on which to build our futures.
About Divine Savior
Divine Savior Academy is supported by Divine Savior Church. DSC shares the saving message of Jesus with the Divine Savior Family and our local community by providing opportunities to worship, connect, and serve in a Christ-centered environment. For more information, visit

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