Page 43 - Green - Maritime Archaeology: A Technical Handbook. 2nd ed
P. 43
22 Maritime Archaeology: A Technical Handbook, Second Edition
This handbook is not designed or intended to teach diving techniques. It is assumed that before carrying out archaeological work under water the archaeologists have learned how to dive and are reasonably experienced. It is therefore the responsibility of the project director to ensure that all diving staff is properly qualified or experienced and medically fit. This is best done by appointing someone to be diving officer. One person has to be responsible for diving safety, and, depending on the circumstances and numbers involved in the project, it is best to make that person responsible for the overall diving operations. The diving officer must ensure that every- one is medically fit to dive and it is best to insist on sighting a letter or a note from a doctor qualified to conduct a diving medical. This is an impor- tant point because doctors or general practitioners are often unaware of conditions that may make it dangerous to dive.
In situations where diving is planned in deep water, or where decom- pression diving is planned, it is essential to have access to a recompression chamber. Once an on-site recompression chamber is necessary, the whole nature of the operation changes. First, one must have an experienced chamber operator and a qualified doctor on hand at all times. Alternatively, when working without a chamber, it is vital to work out all emergency evac- uation procedures and familiarize everyone with these procedures. One has to anticipate all possible eventualities and plan how to deal with these. One other important consideration is to ensure that staff is familiar with all forms of emergency resuscitation.
There are a number of good standard references which should be consulted on these aspects, in particular Edmonds et al. (1983), U.S. Navy Department (1978), Flemming and Max (1988), Miller (1975), and Standards Association of Australia (1992).