Page 485 - Green - Maritime Archaeology: A Technical Handbook. 2nd ed
P. 485
Position fixing (continued)
strong and weak fixes, 102f theodolite and distance measuring
system, 41 Total Station, 42
transits, 24–34
Position reference points, Site Surveyor,
124–125 Post-excavation research
as focus, 347–348
historical and social context, 349–350 land archaeology comparison, 349 location and context, 348
scientific dating, 349
significance, 348–349
Batavia wreck site, 359 definition, 346 experiments, 359 historical material
categorization, 357
classical period in Mediterranean, 355 field of study development, 353–354 Gelidonya wreck site, 356
Heren XVII, 358
large body of material, 352–353 overview, 350
17th century, 354–355
ship cargo, 355, 357–358
terrestrial sites, 351–352
VOC material classification, 356–357 written history, 352
integration, 363, 367
scientific analysis, 350–351
Postion fixing, vertical control problems,
Precision, definition, 148 Predisturbance survey
basic survey, 88–90
in excavation, 236–237 objectives overview, 87–88 technical field photography, 232
Pressure, see Water pressure Probe survey
air probe, 258
Cape Andreas wreck site, Cyprus, 162f iron-rod probe, 161
Kyrenia wreck site, Cyprus, 162f overview, 161, 163
water probe, 258
Proceedings of the Conference on Underwater Archaeology, 391
Profiling devices
for artifact drawing
Aerial Sketchmaster, 303
diameter measurement alternatives, 306 large object shape measurement, 306f radius of curvature, 305–306
small jar drawing stages, 307f
stand, 305
carpenter’s level, 116–117
depth gauge, 117
distance-angle method, 112 hydrostatic leveling devices, 112–116 mechanical device, 112
offset bar, 109
simple devices, 110f
Profiling stand, function, 305 Project director, for research, 20–21 Projections
in artifact drawing
isometric projections, 316–317 objects with axial symmetry, 316
in artifact drawing, 292 transit identification, 29
Project management, marine-based CRM programs, 384–385
Project planning, 13–14 Proportional dividers, for scale
measurements, 302f
Prop-wash, in excavation, 258–259f Protection of Wreck Act 1973, 402 Protractor, in distance-angle survey, 92, 93f Publications
general consideration, 390 in-house publication, 391
Internet potential, 392
journal options, 391
land-based CRM programs, 381 marine-based CRM programs, 384 options, 396
private publication, 391–392 referencing systems, 394–396
as responsibility, 390
writing, see Writing for publication
Public Records Office, in archival research, 16
Publishing, options, 396
PVA glue, for laying up photomosaics, 179