Page 104 - Kennemerland VOC ship, 1664 - Published Reports
P. 104
K8. A small lead box, whose purpose is uncer- tain, although it would serve quite well as an ink-well or small paint pot (Fig. 21).
K9-11. Three lead sounding weights have been recovered: one shallow water one weighing 8 lb (3.63 kg) and two deep water ones weighing 24%lb (1 1.I 1 kg) and 21 lb (9-53 kg). Since the basic design of such items has not changed much over the years, it is diffi- cult to be certain that these are from the Kennemerland and have not just been lost by later vessels feeling their way through the tortuous channels of the South Mouth. The likelihood of the heavier leads having been lost in this way is probably remote, but this explanation may well account for the presence of the light lead (73 K 32 and 73 K 37; Site A, 0.0/38.0 and 0.4}36-6).
K12. A circular lead weight, 0.036 m in dia- meter and 0.009 m thick.
K13. A circular lead weigh0t, 0.05 m in diameter and 0.024 m thick.
K 19
IB K 20
Figure 21. Objects of lead. Scale 1 : 2.
Figure 22. A selection of the stamps found on the flat face of the lead ingots. Scale 1 : 2.