Page 177 - Kennemerland VOC ship, 1664 - Published Reports
P. 177

Norman’s Bay Wreck: Archaeological Report Wessex Archaeology 53111.03nn
Price, R. & Muckelroy, K., 1977, ‘The third and fourth seasons 1974 and 1976. An interim report’, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration, 6.3: 187-218.
Price, R. & Muckelroy, K., 1978, ‘The Kennemerland site. The fifth season, 1978. An interim report’, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration, 8.4: 311-320.
Price, R., Muckelroy, K. & Willies, L., 1980, ‘The Kennemerland site. A report on the lead ingots’, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration, 9.1: 7-25.

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