Page 69 - Loss of the VOC Retourschip Batavia, Western Australia, 1629
P. 69

             Langrel shot
Embedded in the concretion in the stem area of the site were a number of !angrel shot These consisted of two hemispheres of east iron; on one of the flat faces, there were three raised dimples, and on the corresponding half, three matching depressions. The hemispheres fitted together to form a sphere, and were attached to each other by a wrought- ironbar,hingedatthejointInmosteasestheshotwereinverypoorcondition,thebarusuallycompletelycorrodedaway and the east iron sho~ highly graphitized. Shot diameters were in the range 95 to 100 mm, with a single example of 125 mm .
BAT 8934
About 130 grenades were found in the stem shot-
locker. They all eame from a single localized area in the concretion, on the upper part at the rear. The average diameter was 83.5 mm, with a standard deviation of2mm. In most cases, the grenades were stored empty and un- fused, but three examples were found with fuses in place.
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