Page 118 - Manual for Activities directed at the Underwater Cultural Heritage
P. 118

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Types of research methodology
Site survey, investigation (including, if appropriate, excavation) and analysis describe the main steps of archaeological research.
Site survey
The underwater archaeological survey comprises the process of locating, exploring and recording a site. Its aims and objectives are determined in the project design, thus the survey is an end point in itself. Two main types of survey can be distinguished:
o pre-disturbance survey o site monitoring survey
Surveys are conducted to obtain an accurate representation of the site and in view of recreating it on paper and digitally. They facilitate the un- derstanding of the relationship between the ar-
 © P. Moe Astrup. Georeferenced pictures of a prehistoric site in Horsens fjord, Denmark.
A Prehistoric Ertebølle site
in Horsens fjord in Denmark
was found to be eroding in a preliminary survey. It is monitored ever since and georeference pictures are combined in a photmosaic.The objectives match the methodology as it is a simple project, using simple methodology.
Objective, methodology and techniques

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