Page 139 - Manual for Activities directed at the Underwater Cultural Heritage
P. 139
organizations, operating, for instance, under the United Nations and the EU. Subsidies may in- clude aids for research on preservation and disse- mination of underwater cultural heritage, marine research subsidies, job creation subsidies and company creation grants. In particular, there may be opportunities arising from regional or urban tourism, or infrastructure development strategies that may involve consi- derable financial resour- ces.
Some subsidies may be
conditional, i.e. subject to
the involvement of other
partners in the project
(other public authorities or private partners under a ‘matching contribution’ system). Subsidies may be one-off or renewable. Regular subsidies towards operating costs usually entail a form of contractual agreement between donor and recipient. Subsidies may be in cash but may also - like patronage and sponsorship - be in kind (making premises available, provision of equipment, secondment of staff, tech- nical assistance, etc.).
The presupposition that numerous archaeological activities are chronically underfunded often leads to overlooking the fact that receipts are an increasingly important source of funding. This is attenuated, however, by the fact that financial benefits, also those in receipts, may flow to other administrative units than those directly involved in determining the cost of a project. Nevertheless, receipts could make up a larger proportion of the budget than they generally do.
on the remains of a Roman bridge in the river Meuse,
right outside the walls of the city Cuijk (ancient Ceuclum), was possible only through the initiative and contribution of a wide range of sponsors, mostly local firms, whose logos were displayed with the project information on the river quay from where the activities could be seen. Here the project team, including discoverer Joost van de Besselaar, directing archaeologist Boudewijn Goudswaard, public archaeologist Joost Mioulet, communications manager
Carin Barten, professional team members Jeroen Marée, Roeland Hilgers and Ruud Paesie as well as a large portion of the local support proudly pose in front
of the ‘sponsor – wall’ in their newly acquired –sponsored!- red coveralls.