Page 152 - Manual for Activities directed at the Underwater Cultural Heritage
P. 152

VI. Project duration – timetable
 © E. Khalil. Example of Gantt chart for a project timetable. Tasks are represented along the y-axis while time (in weeks in this case) is arranged along the x-axis. Note that week 3 in this project is a major evaluation point during which the progress of the project and its activities is assessed and evaluated.
In the second column the mem- bers who will be carrying out each task are identified.
During archaeological projects, a number of specified activities are carried out within time and budget constraints. In this respect, archaeological project management is no different than project management in other fields. Nevertheless, ar- chaeology has its specificities.
One of the major aspects of archaeological project management is the ability to control the use of time and money. It needs to be ensured that all tasks and activities that will be undertaken during a project are adequately resourced and carried out in the correct order and with appropriate use of the available resources. The timetable is a tool that enables the monitoring and assessing of the progress of a project throughout its duration. In this way, a timetable assists with identifying unforeseen circumstances that could affect the development and successful outcome of the project.
The complexity of an archaeological project requires that some of its tasks be performed sequentially, while some can be performed in parallel with other
Setting a timetable for the whole of a project, as well as for each of its individual phases and activities, is a fundamental component of a
good quality project design.
The project timetable
Rule 20.
An adequate timetable shall be developed to assure in advance of any activity directed at under- water cultural heritage the com- pletion of all stages of the project design, including conservation, do- cumentation and curation of re- covered underwater cultural he- ritage, as well as report prepa- ration and dissemination.
Project duration – timetable

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