Page 160 - Manual for Activities directed at the Underwater Cultural Heritage
P. 160

© Zea Harbour Project. Homepage of the Zea Harbour Project.
The Danish-Greek Zea Harbour Project team has communicated the findings from its survey
work in Piraeus, Greece, via its website, www.zeaharbourproject. dk to other institutions, scholars, NGOs and to the public at large. Making information and data about investigated sites available should be the ultimate aim for any archaeological work. Nowadays the Internet is an all important tool for communicating the past in the present.The dissemination strategy is an integral part of
the project design and needs
to be taken into account when establishing the project time scale.
the study of a particular material might not be possible until it has been conserved and stabilized. Both parallel and sequential post-fieldwork activities should be included in the timetable. Early dialogue with finds specialists and other team members, in light of the available and expected resources, would enable the compilation of a timetable encompassing most aspects of the post-fieldwork activities.
Making information and data about investigated sites available to other institutions, scholars, NGOs and to the public at large should be the ultimate aim for any archaeological work. The results of a project can be publicized through various means, such as written reports, internet websites, leaflets, displays, press and media outlets, public talks, academic publications and conferences. Such activities can be done at different stages before, during and after the project, and can extend for a long time after all other phases of the project are completed.
The target audience and the reason for dissemination will influence when, how and for how long a project is publicized. To attract potential sponsors and funding bodies as well as volunteers who might be willing to help with the fieldwork and post-fieldwork tasks, it can be useful to publicize a project at an early stage. While research is being carried out, the preliminary results of a project could also be publicized to receive
feedback from other researchers and spread interest in the initial achievements of the project. By the end of the project, the final publication should be compiled and disseminated. Another common way of publicizing the results of a project during and after its completion is through museum exhibits. This enables the dissemination of the project among a much wider audience and for a longer period of time. Accordingly, the project timetable should indicate when and how
Project duration – timetable

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