Page 170 - Manual for Activities directed at the Underwater Cultural Heritage
P. 170

To be scientifically competent to undertake or direct an intervention on an underwater heritage site, an underwater archaeologist must be fully acquainted with the subject of the investigation before work begins. The archaeologist must also be honest enough to leave alone those sites which are beyond competence or experience.
The question of individual archaeological com- petence is a common thread in most recognized archaeological standards and codes of professional practice, and this should guide archaeologists in remaining within their own competence. The European Association of Archaeologists’ Code of Practice (1997) states, for example, that no archaeologist should undertake a project for which the person is not competent – i.e. adequately trained and prepared. The Code of Conduct of the UK Institute for Archaeologists (IfA 1985, as revised in 2008) contains a similar clause.
The competent authority involved, whether local, federal or national has a responsibility in this regard. In considering an application for an intervention it must not only ensure that the archaeologist is qualified, but must also assess competence. This can be done through the project design process and peer review of the application.
Questions that can be asked of an archaeologist to assess competence include:
• Does the archaeologist have the necessary historical background for the site/s proposed to be investigated? If the intention is to investigate a British naval vessel of the mid- 18th century, for example, has the period been researched and is the historical context of the site understood?
• Has consideration been given to other similar archaeological interventions? Have the authorities in the field been consulted and have the results of parallel studies been examined?
• Have not only the ‘mechanical skills’ of ar- chaeology been acquired– i.e. the know how
Competence and qualifications

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