Page 175 - Manual for Activities directed at the Underwater Cultural Heritage
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achieve worldwide, archaeologists and competent authorities must not lose sight of the fact that there is a large body of divers and other members of the public who are very keen to actively participate in underwater heritage projects. Archaeologists and competent authorities must encourage responsible participation and involvement by the wider di- ving community in investigating and managing underwater heritage. An informed and enthusiastic diving community is a wonderful ally and asset in the work of managing and investigating underwater cultural heritage.
Referred to as ‘avocationals’, these are individuals who are principally engaged in a career other than archaeology, but who commit themselves, usually in their free time, to archaeological work. Avocational team members are a valuable potential resource to professional archaeologists and successful projects have been run in many places around the world using avocational staff. One of the best-known projects in which large numbers of non-archaeologists par- ticipated was the excavation between 1979 and 1982 of the Tudor warship, the Mary Rose in Portsmouth in the United Kingdom.
Avocationals are usually keen, dedicated and com- mitted, and many provide their time and services to projects at no charge. They often have skills and expertise that can be useful to a project – whether it
© Z.Morsy. Archaeologist diving during the Red Sea Survey 2010.
Divers and other members of
the public are very keen and should be encouraged to actively participate in investigating and managing underwater heritage. These avocationals are a valuable potential resource to professional archaeologists and successful projects have been run in many places around the world using avocational staff.The requirements for avocationals’ qualifications
and competence will be set by the project director, usually in consultation with the competent authority, or based on formal local or national policy or guidance.
Competence and qualifications

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