Page 293 - Manual for Activities directed at the Underwater Cultural Heritage
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has been outlined in the project design, and when it is taken into account in daily procedures. To ensure the quality of the archives, it is important that members of the research team, who are knowledgeable about the adopted documentation and reporting systems, are involved in archiving activities. It should not be left completely to staff that has not participated in the research. However competent these may be, this might nevertheless lead to flawed systematisation of documentation and to overlooking some of its elements or characteristics.
All these considerations support the intent of Rule 32:
• arrangements for archiving should be made in advance;
• preparations for archiving should be part of the project’s organization; in short:
• archiving should be dealt with in the project design.
Composition of project
Rule33. the project archives, including any underwater cultural heritage removed and a copy of all supporting documentation shall, as far as possible, be kept together and intact as a collection in a manner that is available for professional and public access as well as for the curation of the archives. this should be done as rapidly as possible and in any case not later than ten years from the completion of the project, insofar as may be compatible with conservation of the underwater cultural heritage.
Rule 33 further elaborates some of the conditions for archaeological archive repository. Objects and documentation should be kept together. Archives should be accessible. Deposition should not be delayed.
Curation of project archives

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