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TAG Academy Relief

        Morehouse School of Medicine

                               The MSM-Tuskegee
                            Airmen Global Academy
                            Connect Mentoring Program

                            is a partnership between
                            Morehouse School of Medicine
                            (MSM), Tuskegee Airmen
                            Global (TAG) Academy,
        and a stable place to learn. Emergencies like the  “           Morehouse School of Medicine is
        Atlanta Public Schools, and Atlanta CARES. Many
        members of the MSM community provide one-
        on-one and group mentoring to TAG students in
                                                                          Yolanda T. Weems, Ed.S.
        grades three through five.
                                                                          Principal, TAG Academy
            Before the pandemic, many students at the

        Tuskegee Airmen Global Academy faced home-
                                                                one of our most engaged partners. MSM has
                                                                ALWAYS made TAG Academy a priority, and
        lessness and food insecurity. They depended on
        going to school to have a steady, healthy diet
                                                                establishment of our partnership.
                                                                     The most recent fundraiser was
        COVID-19 pandemic send stability into a tailspin.       provided an abundance of resources since the
                                                                recommended by Dr. David Hefner, who
            Though the pandemic has paused our face-to-         wanted to ensure that our families had the
        face outreach with our pipeline students, MSM’s         necessary essentials during the pandemic. He

        TAG Relief effort has provided an opportunity to        mentioned the idea to me and within a very
        support our TAG students and their families. The        short time MSM was able to supply food and
        goal of the effort is to ensure the TAG students        toiletries to quite a few of our families.
                                                                     We remain grateful for the support that
        have much-needed supplies and food in these             Dr. Montgomery-Rice and the faculty and
        particularly challenging times. With your generous      staff continue to provide during this time of
        support, we have been able to — and will continue       uncertainty in the world around us.”
        to — assist TAG students and their families.

          FUND SUMMARY                                         TAG RELIEF FUND

         BALANCE (as of 7.17.20) - $3,551.69                     $5,400
         FUND IMPACT - Provided 75 $25 gift cards for the       AMOUNT RAISED                   $208
         TAG Academy to distribute to students and their
         family.  Principal Weems will determine how to               TOTAL                     AVERAGE
         utilize the remaining funds.                             26 GIFTS                         GIFT
         Special thanks to Gianluca Tosini, PhD, who was                                        AMOUNT
         instrumental in bringing the idea forward, and
         David Hefner, EdD, for his leadership and efforts in
         delivering groceries and essentials to TAG families
         in need.                                                                MSM Office of Institutional Advancement
                                                                                : (404) 752-1079 | :
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