Page 3 - Refinery Life psk Kit
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Before we dive into the wonderful world of oils, we need to talk about what ESSENTIAL OILS are! Where do they come from and why do they matter?
ESSENTIAL OILS ARE THE AROMATIC, VOLATILE LIQUIDS DISTILLED FROM PLANTS. The oil can be obtained from the roots, seeds, shrub, owers, leaves and trees and bring health and healing to the body. The chemistry is extremely complex and may consist of hundreds of different and unique chemical compounds.
EO’s were mankind’s rst means of wellness and are in fact mentioned ALL throughout Scripture. The oils are very complex and very powerful which is why they are able to reach every part of our bodies on a cellular level. Within minutes of using or breathing in an oil, they can be found in every organ in your body! CRAZY COOL.
The fragrance of the oils work on the limbic system in the brain where emotions are stored and can help relax and clear the mind as well
as release emotional trauma. They can have profound physiological and psychological effects which you will hear about in testimonials in Re nery Life.