Page 35 - The Trenches
P. 35
Healthy Home
The household and personal care products we use have the power to support and build health or, to be frank, destroy it. Too many common items today have ingredients that are linked to nasty symptoms, hormone disruption, illness, and disease. As you are in The Trenches, can we just say, “ain’t nobody got time for that!” Tip: You can learn more by downloading an app called ‘Think Dirty’
and scanning the products in your home.
By ditching the toxin- lled products and switching to essential oil-infused ones from Young Living, you are not only making your family healthier, but your life will be easier as well. Win-win!
You’ve got enough going on. You are busy, you are pulled in every direction, and you’re doing the best you can. We get it. Might we offer some “wellness hacks” to lighten your load? The goal is to USE the products, and we know you’re more likely to do that if it’s easy.
Hack #1.
THIEVES HOUSEHOLD CLEANER is an all-purpose cleaner that can be used on every (and we mean every) surface of the home. Talk about convenient. Quit running to the store for a speci c cleaning product and just Thieves all the things.
The Material Safety Data Sheet states — “Thieves Household Cleaner. Section
V, HEALTH AND HAZARD DATA, INGESTION: Ingestion of concentrate is not recommended, but no special precautions are needed. If small amounts are consumed, drink water to get rid of the taste.” That right there is enough to sell me for LIFE on this cleaner for our home.
Hack #2.
Grab the other quick THIEVES products like HAND PURIFIER for the diaper bag, DISH SOAP for all the bottles and dishes, LAUNDRY SOAP which comes out to about 8 cents per load and lasts FOR-EV-ER, and FRUIT & VEGGIE SPRAY to clean your produce on the go. An apple (freshly cleaned!) in the grocery cart keeps a shopping toddler happy for much longer.
Hack #3.
Diffuse! The whole family bene ts at once. Better yet, work your way up to having a diffuser for each room in the home. Fill a pitcher and get all the diffusers going simultaneously.