Page 5 - Vista Del Mar Golf Classic
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    Dear Vista Friends,
We cordially invite you to be a part of the 2nd Annual Golf Classic at the prestigious Sherwood Country Club. This event promises a
day of camaraderie, competition, and community, all in support of a cause that touches the lives of so many.
Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services has a mission unlike any other – to meet the comprehensive emotional, psychological, and
educational needs of thousands of at-risk children and their families.
Each day at Vista, professional staff and volunteers work tirelessly to powerfully change children’s lives for the better, as they have
done for 116 years.
As proud supporters, your past contributions to Vista Del Mar have already improved countless lives and demonstrate to our Vista children that they matter deeply to all of us. We invite you to join us once again in this noble endeavor.
Together, we make a great team!
We look forward to seeing you on the greens and sharing in this meaningful and enjoyable day. Thank you for your continued dedication to making a difference.
Warmest regards,
Event Co Chairs:
Scott Boxenbaum, Arthur Jacobson, Dan Palmer, James Perry, Phil Stein

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