Page 10 - Newsletter
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 Page 10 THE PRESBYTERIAN HIGHLANDER 10 1 his days are as grass: as a ____ of the field (Ps 103:15) 6 Jacob was yet ____ gone out from the presence of Isaac (Gen 27:30) 11 he that wavereth is like a ____ of the sea. (James 1:6) 12 he rolled a great s____ to the door of the sepulchre (partial word) (Matt 27:60) 13 the r___, which the LORD God had taken from man (partial word) (Gen 2:22) 15 I am not come to call the righteous, but ____ to repentance (Matt 9:13) 17 occupation of Luke (abbr.) 18 the wringing of the ___e bringeth forth blood (partial word) (Prov 30:33) 20 no man could ____ that song but the hundred (Rev 14:3) 21 Jesus saith unto him, ___d my sheep (partial word) (John 21:17) 22 Ye have not gone up into the ____, neither made up the hedge (Ezek 13:5) 24 and do count them but dung, that I may ____ Christ (Phil 3:8) 25 small garden vegetables 26 twenty sixth book of the Old Testament 28 These were born unto the ____ in Gath (1 Chr 20:8) 29 in the land will eat ____s and honey (partial word) (Isaiah 7:22) (NIV) 30 a ring on his hand, and shoes on his ____ (Luke 15:22) 31 ____ they beheld, he was taken up (Acts 1:9) 33 first book of the New Testament 36 Is it lawful to ____ on the sabbath day? (Luke 14:3) 37 When ____ king of Hamath heard that David (2 Sam 8:9) 38 went to Jerusalem every ____ at the feast of the passover (Luke 2:41) 39 Love worketh no ____ to his neighbour (Romans 13:10) 40 to sharpen every man his ____, and his coulter (1 Sam 13:20) Crossword No. 17 ACROSS DOWN  ACROSS 42 Pharisees began to u___ him vehemently (partial word) Luke 11:53) 43 They have taken away the Lo__ out of the sepulchre (partial word) (John 20:2) 44 and ____ ____ ye every man of his own vine (4,3) (2 King 18:31) 46 abbr. For the twenty fifth book of the Old Testament 47 an Egyptian, ____e name was Hagar (partial word) (Gen 16:1) 48 the pastors that destroy and ____ter the sheep (partialword) (Jer 23:1) 50 The churches of Asia ____ you (1 Cor 16:19) 51 thou shalt ____ the mountains, and beat them small (Isaiah 41:15) DOWN 1 that they put upon the ____ of the borders a ribband (Num 15:38) 2 cry of pain 3 it ____ needful for me to write unto you (Jude 1:3) 4 lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from ____ (Luke 11:4) 5 And be ____ in the spirit of your mind (Eph 4:23) 6 they cast four anchors out of the ____ (Acts 27:29) 7 and full ears of ____ in the husk thereof (2 King 4:42) 8 abbr. for answer 9 abbr. For last book of the Bible 10 Reuben, the ____ son of Israel (Num 26:5) 14 And ____ begat Obed, and Obed begat Jesse (Chr 2:12) 16 Jael Heber's wife took a ____ of the tent (Judges 4:21) 17 what this vision which he had seen should ____(Acts 10:17) 19 God hath chosen thee to be a ____ people (Deut 7:6) 21 great eagle with great wings and many ____s (partial word)(Ezek 17:7) 23 Golgotha, which is, beinginterpreted, The place of a ____ (Mark 15:22) 25 let them learn first to shew ____ at home (1 Tim 5:4) 27 the tares are gathered and burned in the f____ (partial word) (Matt 13:40) 28 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore ____ wisdom (Prov 4:7) 30 O thou ____ among women? (Song 5:9) 31 turns around to the north; the wind ____ about (Eccl 1:6) (NKJ) 32 the chief priests ____ a consultation with the elders (Mark 15:1) 33 neither go to lament nor be____ them (partial word) (Jer 16:5) 34 as swift as the ____e flieth (partial word) (Deut 28:49) 35 two rows of Pomegranates on each ____ (2 Chr 4:13) 37 God is able of ____ stones to raise up children (Luke 3:8) 40 the lad ran, he ____ an arrow beyond him (1 Sam 20:36) Continued on next page   

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