Page 36 - The Church of Ireland Apologetic for Mission?
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victims of domestic abuse, refugees, asylum, seekers and the homeless; Offering holidays to needy families; Befriending families of those in Prison.
• Worldwideactivities;TrainingMothers’ Union Workers in their local communities; Promoting Parenting and Literacy and Development; Initiating Family Life Programmes; Supporting Mothers’ Union Overseas and Relief Funds.
• Campaigning for a just society; Drawing attention to social concern issues; Supporting gender equality; Lobbying Governments; Contributing to programmes at the United Nations; Promoting Fair Trade.
• Parenting;In2010Mothers’Unionwill celebrate 10 years of the Parenting Programme. Mothers’ Union has trained almost 40 Parenting Group Facilitators in Ireland to help parents reap the rewards and face the challenges of the most important job they’ll ever do.
• Prayer
• Campaigning;
11. The General Synod
• PrioritiesFund
• WorldDevelopment–TheBishops’Appeal
Committees of the General Synod 53
Some of the Committees as noted below have Terms of reference that are clearly focused on internal matters to the Church of Ireland. However, they also include an emphasis on important social issues and areas of human need.
• BoardofEducation
a. (To) Define the policy of the Church in education, both religious and secular and, in promotion of this policy, to take such steps as may be deemed necessary to co-ordinate activities
in all fields of education affecting the interests of the Church of Ireland.
b. (To) Maintain close contact with Government, the Department of Education and Skills, Diocesan Boards of Education, and other educational and school authorities with a view to ascertaining the most efficient and economical use of resources including funds, transport facilities and teachers.
c. (To) Study any legislation or proposed legislation likely to affect the educational interests of the Church of Ireland and take such action with respect thereto as it may deem necessary.
d.(To) Deliberate and confer on all educational matters affecting the interests of the Church.
e. (To) Make such enquiries as it shall deem to be requisite and communicate with government authorities and all suchbodiesandpersonsasitshall consider necessary.
• ChurchofIrelandCommissionfor Christian Unity and Dialogue
The Commission on Church Unity and Dialogue (CCUD) is the Church
The existence of a variety of bodies established by the General Synod suggests a stated commitment to mission, both locally and globally, within the Church of Ireland.
Whilst noting their existence it is not always possible to quantify the effectiveness
of each body in achieving the purposes suggested in their respective titles. Nevertheless, it is useful to record those bodies whose titles suggest some sort
of missional emphasis - a denomination reaching out beyond itself.
Sub-Committees of the General Synod52 • CentralCommunicationsBoard
• •
ChurchofIrelandChurchandSociety Commission
HistoricalCommemorationsWorking Group
52 36 53
p 233 Church of Ireland Directory 2015
Church of Ireland General Synod Book of Reports 2015 and The Church of Ireland Directory 2015

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