Page 7 - 台北逸仙扶輪青年服務社6週年紀念特刊
P. 7

     The Purpose
扶輪青年服務社 ( 扶青社 ) 之宗旨,在於:
* 讓青年透過積極參與社區及國際服務,引發正向改變。
* 透過專業培養領導技巧,並在服務中培養國際觀與理解不同文化,以促進世界和平。 * 讓學生及青年透過社區及國際服務,對各種問題開創永續方法。
* 藉由全球扶輪社群擴展專業人脈,與領導者交流,培養成為領導者的能力。
* 在各地建立終身友誼,最後在超我服務中獲得樂趣。
註:MDIO RIT 會議 2020 年 06 月 18 日 四 決議 更新扶青章程、細則、宗旨。並且「紙 本與呈現都用列點表示 , 或以分點分項排版方式」,本決議經 2019 2020 、 2020 2021 年度臺灣 12 地區代表逐條討論審議,經 MDIO RIT 公告後共同施行之。
The purposes of this club are for:
Rotary members to recognize the positive change implemented by young adults through an active and personal commitment to empower young adults and young professionals to take action through community and international service, develop leadership skills through professional, and gain a global perspective that fosters world peace and cultural understanding as partners in service; and for
Students and young professionals to take action through community and international service that creates sustainable solutions to local and global challenges, connect with the global community of Rotary to expand professional networks, exchange ideas with leaders, and cultivate lifelong friendship around the world, develop skills to become community and global leaders, make friends locally and globally, and have fun while recognizing the importance of Service Above Self.
國際扶輪青年服務社 宗旨
台北逸仙扶輪青年服務社 6 週年特刊 Rotaract Club of Taipei Yie-shian

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