Page 73 - LED Panel Depot LED Lighting Catalog 2021
P. 73
EM Series LED Emergency Driver
Multiple Mounting Configurations
OKT emergency LED drivers work in conjunction with LED fixtures to serve as code-compliant emergency lighting sources. The emergency drivers can be installed inside, on top of, or remotely from the fixture, depending on the product, fixture and application.
D u a l F l e x ( S t a n d a r d )
Provides dual flex for wiring to both the fixture or driver compartment and test accessories.
S i n g l e F l e x ( O p t i o n a l )
Mounts to the junction box and provides flexible
conduit for remote mounting of the test accessories.
I n t e g r a l N o n - F l e x ( O p t i o n a l )
Allows for integral installation within the driver compartment. May also be mounted atop the fixture when used with a TMK cover accessory.
T o p - M o u n t N o n - F l e x ( O p t i o n a l )
Top-mounting option for running wires directly into the driver compartment. Test accessories are then installed within the fixture.