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Look Ahead to the New Year ...and the One After That
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Blue Bird Dentistry
Paying for dental care is challenging for some folks, and the topic can
be worrisome for patients who anticipate needing expensive procedures or appliances. If you have a progressive condition result- ing in bone loss or tissue degradation, such as diabetes or long-term gum disease, looking ahead to what you might need can help you plan financially. That kind of peace of mind keeps you going from one year to the next.
Predicting your needs
Your dental history and age are good markers for future oral care needs. Cavity prone? Expect to replace cur- rent fillings or get new ones down the road. A cracked tooth that your dentist is keeping an eye on? You might need a crown soon. And as you age, you will probably need more main- tenance or artificial supports.
Your behavior is another predictor of potential prob- lems and expenses. Do you brush, floss and rinse daily? See your dentist twice a year? Negligent self-care or missed exams and cleanings allow plaque to build up to unhealthy levels. You might experience painful episodes or emergencies due to teeth breaking or tissue getting infected.
As dentition degrades, related health conditions may arise. Advanced gum dis- ease, or periodontitis, raises
your risk for heart disease, pregnancy complications and even pneumonia. Treating these issues can pile medical bills onto the cost of your dental care.
Consider cost needs
Don’t wait until trou- ble happens to consider financing for needed treat- ment. Procedures like tooth extractions and replace- ments or surgeries can run into thousands of dollars. Likewise, the need for crowns and more compre- hensive implants, bridges and dentures.
Dental insurance is afford- able but won’t cover much beyond routine exams and cleanings. Health savings accounts (HSAs) have a nice tax-free incentive; eligible expenses include many maintenance and cos- metic procedures, as well as supplies such as power toothbrushes and Waterpiks. If you are able to save, simply putting aside funds in a dedicated HSA or reg- ular savings account ensures you’ll have the money for oral care needs.
Don’t be afraid to budget more severely to save for dental work. If that’s not pos- sible, you may find coverage through state Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance (CHIP) programs. You might find discounted treatment or low-cost payment plans offered by dental colleges as well. Whatever it takes to tackle big issues and preserve your bite and your smile, get started ahead of time. Then you can look forward to a happy new year—this year and the
next. n Russell Bird
DMD of
Blue Bird
in Sandy,
Oregon, brings over a decade of professional expertise and love for the local community to dental care for children and adults. Dr. Bird y su personal hablan español y dale bienvenidos a gente de todos origines. Contact: (503) 668-1300; sandyorden-; https://www. tistry/.
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   36840 SE Industrial Way, Suite B, Sandy Across Hwy 26 from Grocery Turn left at the 1st driveway.
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January, 2024

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