Page 39 - Hoodview News January 2024
P. 39

Amee Curtis
 Continued from page 38
of pain stop me from being just as kind. Wow, pain is not an excuse to be leaned on, like some crutch. It’s simply one more thing that we experience in the day.”
Rough business start
Challenges in business are also part of the process that Amee has endured. “I’ve had a few good kicks to the derrière,” she said.
Early on, remodeling the 5,000 square foot building was hampered by the entire bottom floor flooding. And, despite trying not to step on the toes of other businesses, she still faced some negativ- ity. “We had done market research, so we knew we weren’t a [direct] competitor with anybody. But, without others knowing that, you know, fear and worry, defi- nitely colored our arrival. Certain individuals maybe weren’t thrilled that we were here,” said Amee.
But Amee’s reaction says much about her positive atti- tude. “Every time something happened that was contrary to the plan, I had to very spe- cifically remind myself that momentary setbacks are not permanent situations. You know, how we respond is almost 100% of the solution. I could combat negativity with
negativity, but what would that get me? So in certain situations, I told everybody that was working here and everyone that was volunteer- ing here, ‘This is how we’re going to respond. We are going to respond with kind- ness, we are going to respond
“At the end of the day, I have one life. We all have one life. And you’re literally one decision away from changing your life... It just takes
a choice. Which choice do you want to live with?
with invitations of inclusion.’” Amee is a hard worker and loves what she does. To say that Amee’s work schedule would put most people to shame is an understatement. Besides being a business owner, she is a member of the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce, the Soroptimist Club, a board member of the Historic Downtown Association [Gresham], and board member of the Mt. Hood Repertory Theater. She also works long hours at the Collective. “We’re open from 9am to 7pm, seven days
a week. I’m here most of the time, six out of those seven days. Most of the time I’m here on the Sunday too. I usually get here about an hour before we open and I leave about an hour after we close some days,” she says.
“My father taught me very early on that ‘can’t’ is a matter of perception,” said Curtis.
Always ready to help
People who have worked with Amee praise her hard work, resilience, and creativ- ity. Shannon Chisom is the owner of SRC Community Consulting. She helped Amee with organizing Splash Day in August. She said, “Amee has incredi- ble energy and enthusiasm for her community. She is always ready to jump in and help on any project, has endless creative ideas, and always finds ways to collaborate with community to get them done.”
Her mother, Kim Taylor, also works with Amee at SDF. She said, “Amee was a force to be reckoned with from the start. Her tenacity in the wake of challenges is a defining piece of her personality. That, coupled with an immense sense of kindness and willingness to help others, peppered with a delightful sense of humor and drive to continually
learn new things and share them with anyone in need makes her quite a magnetic personality! I am incredibly proud of all my children and their unique talents, but I believe Amee has found her unique stride with the SDF Collective. I see many suc- cesses in her future and am delighted to be a part of it!”
Client Curt Hugo of Beyond Boring Brand says, “I have been working with Amee for a handful of years, and she has been instrumental in helping me get several ventures off the ground. Through Synergy Design Firm, she has helped me create not just logos, but a brand identity. She also designed my website. Even more importantly, took the time to show me the basics of how to understand and use the technology, all of which was new to me. Amee’s ded- ication to her clients and willingness to go above and beyond extends to her new venture as well, the SDF Collective, which we have utilized for photo sessions and a creative space. She is always a valuable source of information, creativity and a willingness to help her clients succeed. Amee’s positive influence extends beyond her professional clients as she and her team pour their creative outreach into the community, plan-
WELCOME: Amee sits on the ornate couch in the welcome area at The SDF Collective. (Photo Mike Wiley)
  ning activities and inclusive events for the local area, often offering these fami- ly-friendly events for free.”
“It’s just a choice”
Amy says, “I just hope that other people can know that it’s possible, whether they look at me or they look at their neighbor. If that means starting a business, if that means making a podcast, if that means, you know, trying to paint for the first time in your life, maybe it’s getting to the gym and taking better care of your body. Yeah, you might not be able to do it the same way as someone else, but that doesn’t mean you can’t. It just means that
you’re responsible now to figure out how.
“At the end of the day, I have one life. We all have one life. And you’re liter- ally one decision away from changing your life. One deci- sion. It just takes a choice. Whether it’s to choose to be happy, choose to be produc- tive. It’s just a choice. Which choice do you want to live with? Which choice is going to get you to where you want to go?” HVN
Mike Wiley contributed to this story. Some quotes have been lightly edited for clarity and brevity.
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