Page 6 - Hoodview News January 2024
P. 6

Gresham Chamber and
local businesses lead
the way for Adopt-a-
Cop in January
McCord Construction is managing the project to renovate and expand the Fire and Police annex/gym as a place for fitness and recuperation
A StaffReport
remodeling project for the City of Gresham FireandPoliceDepart-
ments is underway. The Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce has organized a fund raiser to accomplish the renovation of Gresham’s Fire and Police Annex/Gym. The goal for the effort is $50,000.
Local business owner, Donivon McCord, of McCord Construction, is acting Project Manager and he is helping coordinate and facilitate the remodeling project. He helped organize
the contributors, architects, engineers, and others, who have donated their services for this project.
CEO of the Gresham Area Chamber of Com- merce, Stayce Blume, said, “The Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce ap- preciates Donivon McCord and McCord Construction for their contributions and help in facilitating the up- dating of this resource for our first responders.”
Gresham’s “Adopt-a-cop” starts this month
McCord, a member of the Gresham cham- ber Board, is also a pro-
moter and sponsor of the Adopt-A-Cop program, coordinated by the Gresh- am Chamber. January is Adopt-A-Cop month. The way it works is that local businesses and individu- als volunteer to “adopt a cop” through the month of January. Participating businesses will be supplied with signage for storefront and business windows, as well as a digital “tool kit” with a variety of ways to celebrate their “adopted” police officer(s).
Tuesday, January 9th, is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. This is part of the local commu-
nity’s way of supporting and honoring the police- men and policewomen in Gresham, and bringing recognition to the public of the people who serve them through law enforcement and as first responders.
Gresham police and fire supported
The Police Department expresses their commit- ment and vision for the community on their web- site. “We’re committed to providing high-level service through continued community engagement that seeks to improve the quality of life and maintain
the safety of our residents. “Recognizing that our employees are a critical re- source in this commitment to our community, we will strive to ensure that our officers are highly trained, ethically sound profes- sionals who are focused on serving the needs of the
The Gresham Fire De-
partment tells of their du- ties and commitments in a posting on their website. “Gresham Fire and Emer- gency Services provides life safety services to city residents and contract dis- tricts for residents living in the cities of Fairview,
Troutdale, Wood Village and areas of unincorporat- ed Multnomah County.”
They are appreciated
Police, fire fighters, and first responders often serve without enough apprecia- tion for the important work they do. The Gresham Chamber and local busi- ness owners are donating time, supplies, and labor to help make sure they know they are appreciated.
Asked about his involve- ment, McCord said, “I’m a local business owner, and I care about the community and in helping the commu- nity and our safety.” HVN
 January is National Adopt-A-Cop Month!
 If you support the Gresham Police Department, this program is for you!
Let’s rally around our officers, for the third year in a row, with a month dedicated to showing our appreciation for all they do for our community!
Step 1: Make sure you’re registered for the program.
You’ll receive a tool-kit that includes a bright colored window poster, an “adoption certificate,” and lots of ways to show appreciation to your adopted officer!
Step 2: Get to work!
Place your poster where everyone driving by can see it, choose one or two ways to thank your officer, and (optional) start fundraising for the Annex Remodel Project (details on left).
 Presented By:
  Complete details and registration.
January, 2024
Remember, the Gresham Adopt-a-Cop program begins in January.

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