Page 43 - Kallima Spiritual Centre Newsletter - August / September 2021
P. 43
5. Cleansing with Soil
9. Rice
Cleansing with rice is suitable for all types of crystals. In particular, it is beneficial for soft and protective crystals.
• Bury your crystal in a bowl of brown rice.
• Leave it there for approximately 24 hours.
• Dispose of the rice after cleansing
10. Cleansing with Sound
If you are looking for a simple way to cleanse your crystals, then using sound can be a great choice. Sound is one of the most effective cleansing methods available. It is the vibrations created with sound that helps break up any negative energy in the crystals, the process restores the harmony of the crystal.
You can create cleansing sound in a number of ways. The most popular and effective way is to use a singing bowl. A small singing bowl is enough to cleanse small crystals and stones. Guide To Cleansing Crystals With A Singing Bowl Follow this step-by-step guide to quickly and effectively clean your crystals using a singing bowl. Due to the healing power of singing bowls. • Spread a clean cloth on a flat surface. The
area should be clean and clutter-free.
• Place your singing bowl in the middle of the
• Place your crystals on the cloth surrounding
the singing bowl.
• Start playing your singing bowl.
• Continue playing your singing bowl for 5-10
minutes until you sense the cleansing
process is complete.
Do not place the crystals inside the bowl, as the high vibration could damage them.
Program Your Crystals
After cleansing your crystals, you will need to program them. Generally, crystals are neutral and they need direction to properly work for you. If not programmed well, they may amplify the unwanted energies in your life. With effective and clear programming, your crystals can help support your mental and physical health and well-being.
• First cleanse your crysta.
• Once your crystal is cleansed, place the
crystal in your hand and take deep breaths. • Connect with your highest vibration.
• Ask your crystal to let go of all the unwanted
negative energy.
• Ask your crystal to hold on to your positive
intentions and energies.
• End the programming process by thanking
the crystal and your guides.
This cleansing method is based on the theory that crystals can be cleansed by returning them to nature. It’s particularly helpful when a heavy cleansing is required to remove toxic or otherwise negative energies.
• Look for a clean place to bury your crystal.
• Bury your crystal in the soil just a few inches
• Leave your crystal buried for a minimum of
24 hours and for up to three days for best
It’s believed that elements in the soil will help soak up all the unwanted energy present in the crystal, leaving the crystal restored.
6. Cleansing with Saltwater
Saltwater can be a useful for absorbing unwanted energy. With this method of cleansing, stones are soaked in saltwater overnight. It is best to use natural seawater for this purpose.
Afterwards, rinse your crystals with clean water. Please be warned that saltwater can damage or change the appearance of certain delicate stones, with the result that this method is not suitable for all crystals and stones.
7. Breath
Cleansing your crystals by breath is ok for crystals that are small in size. You need to focus on your intentions and with quick exhalations blow away the negative, unwanted energy.
• Hold the crystal in your dominant hand.
• Take a deep breath by focusing on your
• Exhale on your crystal firmly with short quick
• Continue this process for approximately 30
• Allow the stone to dissipate its negative
8. Visualization or Meditation
You can use your own thought processes to cleanse your crystal. This method is often called the ‘visualization’ or ‘meditation’ approach.
With a clear mind, hold your crystal in your hands. Visualize a bright, radiant light surrounding your crystal and passing through it.
Direct your thoughts to impurities flushing out of the stone.
End this process when you feel your crystal has restored its balance.