Page 61 - Kallima Spiritual Centre Newsletter - August / September 2021
P. 61

People use automatic writing for many different reasons, this course will help you find out how you can use it.
Modern Practices
At some spiritual events you may find a medium who draws whilst giving a reading and then provide their sitter with a picture of a guide or loved one. You may find that this is a skill you can develop.
Automatic writing has been shown across various film and shows such as ‘Most Haunted’ and ‘The Others’. This has helped to re kindle the interest in the art.
The Right Mental Attitude
It is essential to have the proper mental state when working at automatic writing. You will need to go into an altered state and let the words come in. For automatic writing you need to enter the state of mind that is known as “trance”. This stage of consciousness is when the mind becomes passive and receptive. It’s similar to the state you are in when asleep and is deeper than meditation. Think about it, when you are asleep you are in an altered state where the conscious mind shuts off, and any experiences you have are determined by your unconscious mind.
In both, the sleep and trance state you receive symbols, words etc, while your conscious mind remains in a passive state, allowing for the message of the unconscious mind to be heard.
What Is Trance Mediumship?
Trance mediumship is when a medium goes into a trance-like state and allows the spirit to come through or "blend" with their energies. In some instances whilst in this altered state, the medium, if they wish, allows the spirit to speak through them. It usually causes the mediums to change their speech, tone, accent, speed and vocabulary. However not all trance mediums have the ability, or desire, to do this.
You do not have to work with trance to become a medium, however you do need to learn how to work with trance to be effective with automatic writing. Working in a trance state will allow spirit to work closer with you to allow the automatic writing to flow properly. This is done with your consent, as without it spirit can’t blend with your energy.
In this course we will teach you the skill of trance.
At Kallima we also have a regular trance circle that you
may wish to join.
Benefits Of Spirit Writing
There are many benefits to learning how to channel automatic writing such as:-
• Gaining guidance from your higher self
• Channelling & Working With Spirits
• Increasing your mediumship skills
• Working closer with your Spirit Guides
You may also notice other benefits such as feeling calmer and more at peace, more positivity and also a general sense of belonging
So what Is It?
It goes by many names :-
• Psychic Automatism,
• Psychographics
• Automatic Writing
• Automatic Drawing
• Spirit Writing
• Spirit Drawing
They are all basically the same thing.
It’s a skill that can be developed, but it takes lots of practice. In our course we will show you how to do it. You will learn the different aspects of it and skills such as trance, which is what is required to do this type of spiritual work.
We will also look at symbolism, spirit guides, sychronicities, protection, grounding, channeling, white noise, psychometry & visualisation
Automatic Writing And Our Spiritual Work
In its spiritual uses, automatic writing has been used by psychics, clairvoyants, mediums, skryers, priests and priestesses of the ancient world’s religions and many others for contacting spirits.
Automatic writing’s techniques can be used to connect with your unconscious mind allowing you to speak to your guides and other spirits. It can help your creativity to flow.

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