Page 2 - Kallima spiritual Centre - Newsletter - September-October 2020
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Come and join Kallima & Del Woods
in their brilliant Physical Circle.
£10.00 per session
*Deposit Required On Booking £5.00
8.00pm - 10.00pm
1st, 15th & 29th
6th & 20th
Price includes light refreshments
Spaces MUST be booked in advance
This is a fantastic circle to attend.
Physical mediumship is different from mental mediumship.
A physical medium, while in a trance state, produces physical evidence of connection with spirit.
Whilst being in a dimly lit room the following
phenomena can happen :-
transfiguration, direct voice, apports, levitation and
the movement of throwing of objects, knocking, rapping, tapping, spirit lights & materialisation.
We will be covering the above subjects and many more, both in theory and practice.