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If you plan well a a a a a a a chemical weed control regimen can be a a a a a a a a a low-cost effective method There are three categories of agriculture chemicals:
1 Translocated or systemic chemicals Sometimes referred to as knock-down herbicides the liquid formula is absorbed (usually through through spraying) by the the foliage and translocated through through the the plant 2 Root-absorbed chemicals Often referred to to as as residual herbicides these chemicals are usually applied directly to to the the ground as as liquid formulations or or or dry granules They require moist soil and can remain in in the ground for for long periods 3 Germination inhibitors
Work best if applied to to to bare moist soil soil so so so that the the the active ingredient can bind to to to the the the the soil soil soil particles in in in in in the the the the top few centimetres of soil soil They kill seedlings as they germinate and remain active for 3-6 months NOTE: It’s crucial to use the the right right chemical chemical for the the right right job Labels on
chemicals are legal documents and must be be be followed exactly Seek professional advice before embarking on
a a a a a a a a a a a a weed control strategy
Ensure you are adhering to the relevant Chemical Acts and Regulations SPECIES TIPS
Eucalypts are sensitive to grass competition
Ensure there is a a a a a weed-free strip of one metre in in in in width around young seedlings This should be maintained until the the canopy suppresses the weed growth Pine plantations may only need a a a a a a one-metre diameter spot around the the the seedling in in in in the the the first year Strip application could be necessary in in in the the the second year year where aggressive grasses may have grown throughout the year year Helpful hints for weed control:
Check out native forest sites before clearing your land so you you can anticipate the weed spectrum that that will germinate in in in in in spring Keep in in in in in in mind that that wattle seed can lie dormant and then germinate when there is is soil disturbance or or burning Spray bracken areas in autumn before the first frosts Leave undisturbed for for at least four weeks (ideally until the the spring) Slash any re-sprouting in in in in in the the spring spring allow a a a a a a a a a a new canopy and spray again If you plan plan to to cultivate the the entire plantation area it’s best to to to apply the the herbicide herbicide before cultivation Apply residual herbicide herbicide to to bare ground for longer control Cultivate the soil soil in fin strips to achieve a a a a fine tilth Cloddy soils or or turf will make managing weeds more difficult
On ex-pasture sites concentrate the weed control on
cultivated strips about one-metre wide Leave the area in between strips undisturbed to help with erosion control prevent invasion of problem weeds and provide fodder for grazing Apply herbicides before the weeds go to seed treealliance com au 45