Page 40 - Demo
P. 40
In July 1931, the SARB moved into the newly completed building on Church Square. This was a significant step up compared to the modest premises the SARB had occupied at its inception.
Governor Clegg could not contain his excitement.
“Before proceeding on the business of the day I feel I should on behalf of the Board welcome you to this meeting in the Bank’s new building,” he said at the start of the SARB’s 11th ordinary general meeting in July 1931, which was his last as Governor.
“I think you will agree with me that the Bank should congratulate itself on becoming possessed of such a beautiful building, and should express their appreciation of Sir Herbert Baker’s genius in designing it, and Mr. Fleming’s ability, care and assiduity in carrying it out,” said Clegg (1930−1936, p 1). (Mr Fleming had supervised the SARB’s building plans on behalf of Baker.)
“Nor must we forget the contractors, Messrs, Gill and Sons, Mr. Johnson, the Clerk of Works and the foreman and workmen who have certainly supplied in no stinted measure the skill and knowledge necessary to bring this noble work to completion,” added Clegg (1930−1936, p 1).
In January 1936, King George V of Britain died. The SARB adjourned its Board meeting with one resolution: the expression of loss and sadness at the king’s passing.
This is the shortest Board meeting in the history of the Bank.