Page 19 - Living Italy Past and Present
P. 19
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Polenta & Castagne, polenta and chestnut festival
Riofreddo (RM)
6 to15 November
Festa del vino e dell’olio novella, new oil and wine festival
Vignanello (VT)
1 to 30 September July
The Vittoriano Group is one of the important appointments organised by Polo Museale
del Lazio for Estate romana, Rome’s summer venues, where a series of free events are taking place: Jazz concerts and meetings with prominent gures in contemporary art. Venues include the panoramic terrace of Caf- fetteria del Vittoriano, alla quale si accede dal lato dell’Ara Coeli, in Via del Teatro di Marcel- lo oppure dallo scalone principale su Piazza Venezia Una location d’eccezione in uno dei luoghi più suggestivi di Roma che permetterà a tutti, romani e turisti, di riabbracciare uno dei monumenti più famosi e suggestivi nel cuore della Capitale
For more information, see website: wwwpolomusealelaziobeniculturaliit
30 September to 3 October:
Festa dell’Uva, grape and wine festival, Marino
29 September to 9 October
Sagra delle castagne, chestnut festival Soriano nel Cimino (VT)
2 October
Sagra della porchetta, roasted pork festival Poggio Bustone (RI)
8 to 9 October
Sagra della patata, potato festival Leonessa (RI)
8 October to 1 November
Sagra della castagna, chestnut festival Vallerano (VT)
10 to 11 October
Chocoday, chocolate festival Norma (LT)
Did you know that the rst chocolate was invented in Italy in the 18th century by Doret in Turin
31 October to 1 November
Living Italy Past & Present 19