Page 3 - Living Italy Past and Present
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Summer depicts an array of colours when nature reaches maturity It is a time for relaxation, followed by autumn as a time for re ection. Our source of inspiration for this issue is the gure
of the pilgrim along country lanes and in town, which coincide with the Ex- traordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy and nding out why people still like to go on a pilgrimage, whether it be spiritual or just to nd time for oneself. Rome is the focus point
We hope the reader will enjoy this jour- ney through living Italy past and pres- ent, taking time to pause, perceive, absorb and enjoy what we see around us It is a way of living and a philoso- phy of life in a country where human dimension still prevails
This is a periodical e-magazine cov- ering a variety of topics from culture, history, places of interest, events, sport and more
Being a magazine for lovers of Italy and the Italian language, articles are in En- glish and Italian in their own right with- out a translation This issue’s article
in Italian is about the story of Pilgrims Yesterday and Today
There will also be a limited number of paper copies Please contact the sales and circulation o cer if you are inter- ested in purchasing any issues Adver- tisements are most welcome as they help cover costs Availability depends on space and size
The Editor
An addition to the LIVING ITALY PAST AND PRESENT website is the new menu option LATEST NEWS AND EVENTS, ( http://livingitalypastandpre- sentblogspotit) a supplement which is regularly updated for our readers
The e-magazine has a blog page for comments from our readers This will help us improve and broaden our spec- trum
All articles and photos are the copy- right of Eurobridge Ltd apart from au- thorised copyright
We thank all our contributors, adver- tisers, ENIT (the Italian Tourist Board), and all the other organisations for sup- porting us along this journey
A special thank you to:
wwwitaliait wwwenitit
Living Italy Past & Present 3