Page 27 - 366242 LP246366 BB Magazine 36pp A4 (August 2022)
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This is a delightful, autobiographical tale of one boy’s passion for natural history, paralleled only by his skill
in observation of all creatures great and small. Durrell is a renowned British naturalist who spent some of his formative years living on the Greek island of Corfu with his family. Of writing this novel, some of his own reflections include that he had three key “ingredients”; namely
the unspoiled Greek landscape, his flourishing new friendships that spanned generations and animal kingdom classifications, and the eccentric conduct of all members of his family.
“It’s all your fault, Mother,’ said Larry austerely; ‘you shouldn’t have brought us up to be so selfish.’ ‘I like that!’ exclaimed Mother. ‘I never did anything of the sort!’ ‘Well, we didn’t get as selfish as this without some guidance,’ said Larry.”
The novel is written in a humorous and, in places, exaggerated way
– one hopes! - providing excellent descriptions of the exotic creatures, interesting people, and beautiful vistas that Durrell encounters during his island adventures.
“For some time the Rose-beetle Man would turn up at the villa fairly regularly with some new addition to my menagerie: a frog, perhaps, or a sparrow with a broken leg. On one afternoon Mother and I, in a fit of extravagant sentimentalism, bought up his entire stock of rose-beetles and, when he had
left, let them all go in the garden.”
This novel reads in some places like a love letter to Corfu as it speaks
so warmly and enchantingly of the animals, environment and people. The readers can understand that he feels his childhood was magical and charmed, and has shaped the path of his future.
“Gradually the magic of the island settled over us as gently and clingingly as pollen. Each day
had a tranquility, a timelessness, about it, so that you wished it would never end.”
Durrell has a gift for ensuring that no word is wasted – each is a gem, poised, polished and perfectly placed to provide maximum meaning and sentiment for the imaginative senses of the reader.
“Roses dropped petals that seemed as big and smooth as saucers, flame-red, moon-white, glossy, and unwrinkled; marigolds like broods of shaggy suns stood watching their parent’s progress through the sky. [...] The bougainvillea that sprawled luxuriously over the tiny front balcony was hung, as though for a carnival, with its lantern-shaped magenta flowers.”
My Family and Other Animals is a highly entertaining and beautifully written novel that will appeal to readers of all ages, with plenty
of laugh out loud moments. It contains just the right level of facts
– admittedly some that lean more towards superstition and myth – balanced with keen observations about Durrell’s family and friends that - while achingly, acerbically honest – shine a spotlight on the love, trust and respect that underpins all in this unique family.
“I sighed rapturously. It was a wonderful story, and might well be true. Even if it wasn’t true,
it was the sort of thing that should happen.”
Lisa Nettleton is a teacher and enjoys reading on her daily rail commute into Edinburgh
      Lisa Nettleton
                                                                                                                               BOOK REVIEW
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