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The elegant 4-star Blackwell The elegant 4-star Blackwell
Grange Hotel in Darlington Grange Hotel in Darlington
has refurbished its Carriage has refurbished its Carriage
House continuing a multi- House continuing a multi-
million-pound investment in million-pound investment in
the manor house hotel. Dating the manor house hotel. Dating
bbaacckktotoththee1199ththCeennttuurryy, ,tthee foformrmeerrGraraddeeIIIlilsistteeddssttaabbleless hhaavveeaalwlwaayyssbbeeennaapprroominineentt fefeaatuturereooffththeehhisistotorricicggrroundss.. CCoonnvveertreteddtotobbeeddrrooomssinin 1199977totorerepplilcicaateteididyyllilcicCounttyy DDuurhrhaamccoottataggeess, ,tthheebbuuilidldining hhaassuunnddeergrgoonneeaamaaggnnifiificceentt rerefufurbrbisishhmeenntttotobbeeccoomee‘T‘Thee CCaarriraiaggeeHoouussee’.’.
BBlalacckkweelllGrarannggeeisispprroouuddtto aannnoouunncceeTThheeCaarrriaiaggeeHoussee is now officially open boasting aararannggeeooffppreremieierrrrooomss aannddssuuitietess;;trtarannssfoforrmeeddbbyy
loloccaal lssppeecciaialilsisttinintteerrioiorrddeessigign ccoomppaannyyFFoorgrgeeInIntteerrioiorrss. . Worrkkss sstatartreteddininOcctotobbeerr22002211aand rereaacchheeddaaccoonncclulussioionnininMaayy 2200222. . TThheeeexxteterrioiorrlalannddssccaapining woorkrkpplalannneeddlalateterrtthhisisyyeeaarr ininccluluddeess
• a complete refurbishment of • a complete refurbishment of
the pitched roof; the pitched roof;
• garden landscaping; and • garden landscaping; and
• central courtyard • central courtyard
redevelopment. redevelopment.
The Carriage House will be transformed into the perfect
place for a relaxing stay but
more than that with the creation more than that with the creation
of a fantastic outdoor space
for family and friends. Now
an intimate venue special for any occasion which can be exclusive and only limited by the imagination/creativity for the event.
The Carriage House sits within the grounds of Blackwell Grange Hotel and is home to
11 stylish premium rooms and suites. There are a further 11 State rooms and suites in the main house and 86 delux rooms bringing the total rooms to 108.
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