Page 177 - 368603 LP250721 AWY AWY AWY Book (238pp A5)
P. 177

                told us that both his office desk and an old typewriter in the next room had once been the property of Evita. He'd acquired them years before from a furniture salesman who said Evita had walked into her office one day and not liked the look of it so she ordered everything to be thrown out and replaced with new stuff.
There was one final Sunderland connection waiting for us as we were about to leave and that was when Horacio asked his kitchen staff to come out for a photo for Inglaterra. They were all from Paraguay and when they discovered I was from Pueblo Sunderland they beamed and told me Cristian Riveros was a neighbour of theirs back home.
When I thanked Horacio he replied by thanking us for our attention and as we walked away Facundo said that he'd asked for me to contact Sunderland A.F.C. to see if they could spare some more shirts. In fact he'd also mentioned that the club had made contact just the week before my visit and asked if Mr Pitt had been having a joke of his own about those kits back in 1921. I was going to give Horacio a Sunderland shirt but when I saw that he already had three, I reckoned it would be like taking....what's the phrase again?'ll come back to me in a minute no doubt. If you want to find out more, will give you the full info.

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