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August marks 25 years at CAV for Iain Johnston our Aftermarket Sales Manager. Iain joined the company on the 20th August 1997 and has worked very closely with the Hawker 125 aircraft ever since. August also marks 60 years since the Hawker 125 or the De Havilland 125 as it was known at the time, took its first flight. Over
1000 0f these aircraft
still fly and provide Iain with lots of work through the aftermarket spares programme. Iain is a fundamental member of the team with an abundance of knowledge and experience surrounding the TKS technology.
Congratulations on 25 years at CAV Iain!
25 Years
It has been an interesting 25 years, and I have seen many changes, but me and the Hawker 125 program have stayed constant throughout and are still an integral part of the
company’s business.
Iain through the years, with family, friends and colleagues.
Form number VQ087 v1