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      EU Law in a Post-Brexit Britain: Have Your Say
 This means that, should any changes to EU
We have an early opportunity to feed into national discussions with the Department for law affect our ability to trade within the
Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy Continuation Agreement, it will affect the
North East disproportionately.
regarding this wide set of laws.
Currently, the Government has reviewed 411
Central to our ability to effectively do this, is retained EU laws, meaning that over 2,000
our relationship with members.
laws remain unchanged; leaving an
enormous scope for what might be
We’re welcoming all of our members to get in repealed, or kept.
touch about any concerns or questions you might have regarding the Retained EU law It’s a safe bet to assume that not all 2,000
laws will be reviewed before the deadline
the sunset clause has established.
Guided by our member’s thoughts, we will be making sure the collective voice of North East businesses reaches the Government through our Chamber network.
   As a Chamber, we want to make sure that the priorities of North East businesses, across a broad range of sectors are heard in regards to retained EU law.
For the sake of those who work, live, and trade across the North East, employment rights cannot, and must not, be jeopardised.
Like many of the progressive businesses we represent, we believe in good, fair work; and want our ambitions for the workplace to be matched by policy makers in government.
Additionally, we want to make sure that our valued global members are not adversely affected in their day-to-day business, regarding changes to product regulations.
Houses of Parliament - London
If you are interested in feeding into this work or would like further
information on the Chamber or the suite of international services and support please visit
Callum George
Policy Adviser and article author North East England Chamber of Commerce
More information can be found here:
Government’s Retained EU Law Dashboard: ting/viz/UKGovernment- RetainedEULawDashboard/Guidance
Chamber Guide to the Retained EU Law Bill: retained-eu-law-bill/
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