Page 24 - 364377 LP243022 BB Magazine 32pp A4 (July 2022)
P. 24
In the last edition of the Black Bitch
I wrote about the importance of healthy soil. Healthy soil is the key to growing the best crops. Your plants will be less prone to pest and disease issues, they’ll grow better, and they’ll look better. You can have healthy soil, no matter what kind of soil you are starting with.
It is about understanding what makes a healthy soil and being prepared to put in some work to achieve this. It also is a process that can take time. We are fortunate that the Oakwell site was once a field growing crops and so there were many years of tending the soil that gave all plot holders a good start when the site was opened. But plot holders have to tend to the needs of the soil to maintain the soil’s health.
What is healthy soil?
Soil health can be defined as the soil’s ability to function and sustain plants. Overlooking the health of the soil can lead to poorer plants and even failed crops. There are important factors that impact on the health of the soil. These factors are interrelated and also impact on the way the soil drains and retains water.
Some of the factors are:
1. The structure of the soil – Good soil structure can be achieved by avoiding over-digging and adding organic matter.
2. pH of the soil - Most flowers, herbs,
and vegetables, require a neutral pH.
Here is a link to how to test for pH and how to correct if necessary. https://www. gardeners/
3. Organic matter content – Well-decomposed organic matter makes compost. Compost can be farmyard manure, compost made from all the green waste from your plot or garden, or compost bought commercially. This can also be something that gardeners will benefit from. Here is a link to making compost. https://schoolgardening.rhs. for-making-compost Spreading compost over your plot or garden before planting fruit, vegetables or flowers provides an excellent growing medium for plants and also reduces weeds and stops the ground drying out.
Allotment open day 25 June - Inviting Gardens
LADAS took part in Burgh Beautiful’s ‘Inviting Gardens’. The weather was kind to us and we welcomed members of the public to our site at Oakwell. The plot holders had worked hard to have plots ready for our visitors. This is the time of year when plots are full of crops and flowers. Everything was looking green and lush. Thanks to all who helped and made the afternoon
a success.