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Building System
CHOOSE YOUR LOT | CHOOSE YOUR PLAN Time estimate: 14 days
A member of our Legacy Build Team will meet you at your selected homesite to tour the property and discuss the vision for your new home. Our certi ed home design team will present a variety of  oor plan options that  t the speci cations of your homesite and include everything on your wish list.
Legacy’s portfolio includes a number of options and upgrades that can be added to any plan, however, some of our homeowners prefer a design that is all their own. For this type of build, our architectural team will go back to the drawing board, designing a completely original new home design that is tailored to their lifestyle.
MAKE IT YOURS Time estimate: 30-60 days
Time to get inspired! Start searching your favorite home design websites like Pinterest, HGTV and Houzz to  nd colors and styles that appeal to you. Check out our Legacy DCS website or search Legacy DCS on Houzz, Instagram and Facebook to see photos of our latest projects!
Once your plans have been selected, your next step is to decide which structural options and upgrades you’ll be adding onto the  oorplan. Take your time reviewing all of the available options and thinking through how your family lives in the home. This decision is of utmost importance prior to starting construction in an e ort to avoid any delays further down the road.
After the  rst phase of  oorplans and elevations have been drawn we’ll bring in our design team to make the home come to life. The goal of this step is to ensure the  oorplans, interior design, and budget meet our client’s expectations. The Legacy Design Gallery is  lled with selections and  nishes in a variety of styles that can be personalized to  t your vision. Selecting the perfect backsplash,  nding just the right  oor material, or trying to decide from an endless selection of paint choices can be overwhelming for even the most design savvy client. That’s why our expertly trained designers take the time to walk you through every room in the home, o ering suggestions and brainstorming new ideas to create a timeless design that re ects your unique style.
HURRY UP AND WAIT? Time estimate: 30-60 days
The next step in the process is to dot our I’s and cross our T’s. We want to make sure there are no surprises in the construction of your new home which is why we take between 30 and 60 days con rming all of the structural options

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