Page 107 - TTEG 19th Edition Directory 2021
P. 107

  • DRILLING FLUIDS: While a mixture of clay and water is the most common drilling fluid, wells can also be drilled with air, natural gas, oil, or plain water as the drilling fluid.
• DRY HOLE: Generally refers to any well that does not produce oil or gas in commercial quantities.
• DUAL COMPLETION: Completion of a well in which two separate formations may be produced at the
same time. Production from each zone is segregated by running two tubing strings with packers,
or running one tubing string with a packer and producing the other zone through the annulus.
• ELEVATOR: Clamp which grips a stand or column of casing, tubing, drill pipe, or sucker rods so that it can
be raised or lowered into the hole.
• EXPLORATION WELL: Well drilled in unproven territory (See WILDCAT).
• FAULT: Geological term denoting a break in the subsurface strata.
• FISH: Any undersirable object accidentally lost in the wellbore which must be removed before drilling can
• FISHING: Encompasses both the special equipment and the special equipment and the special
procedures required to remove undesirable objects from the wellbore.
• FLOORHAND: Crew member whose work station is primarily about the rig floor. There are normally tow
floorhands on each drilling crews.
• FLOWING PRESSURE: Pressure registered at the wellhead of a flowing well.
• FORMATION: Sedimentary bed or deposit composed substantially of the same minerals throughout and
distinctive enough to be a unit.
• FOURBLE: Section of drill pipe, casing, or tubing consisting of four joints screwed together.
• GAS CAP: Free gas, separate from, but overlying an oil zone that occurs within the same producing
formation as oil. Since gas is lighter, it occupies the upper part of the reservoir.
• GEOLOGIST: Scientist whose duties consist of obtaining and interpreting data dealing with the earth’s
history and its life, especially as recorded in rocks.
• GEOLOGRAPH: Patented apparatus which automatically records the rate of penetration and depth
during drilling operations.
• GOING IN HOLE: Lowering the drill pipe into the wellbore.
• HOLE: Common term for wellbore.
• HORIZON: Distinct layer or group of layers of rock.
• HYDROCARBONS: Organic chemical compounds of hydrogen and carbon whose densities, boiling
points, and freezing points increase as their molecular weights increase. The molecular structure of the most common petroleum hydrocarbon compounds varies from the simplest - methane, a constituent of natural gas - to the very heavy and complex.
• INFILL DRILLING: Drilling of wells according to a planned pattern and spacing to achieve full production from a new field.
• JACK-KNIFE DERRICK: A cantilever mast that can be laid down in one piece for moving, as opposed to a standard derrick which has to be dismantled and re-erected piece by piece.
• JET BIT: Bit having nozzles of various sizes through which the drilling fluid is directed to achieve a desired fluid velocity.
• JOINT: One length of drill pipe or casing.
• JUNK: Debris lost in the hole.
• KELLY: Square or hexagonal steel pipe about 43 feet (13 meters) long which transmits torque from the
rotary table to drill string, thus rotating the string and bit.

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