Page 1 - Private Wealth Professional SMA (Balanced) PDF Factsheet
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SMA Portfolio Change

               Professional SMA (Balanced)

               As at 26 November 2024

               Following a review of your portfolio, we have recently made the following changes:


               We continue to have conviction in the target weights of our portfolio (i.e. growth/defensive position
               and allocation to each investment class).
               Market movements have however resulted in a shift in the actual weights of some of the investment
               options moving significantly from the target weight.

               In light of this, we have rebalanced some of the holdings in your portfolio, taking profits from some of
               your holdings that have performed well and re-allocating the funds to holdings that have lagged and
               are below our target weight.

               Investment Changes

               We have also made the following changes to the investment options in your portfolio:
               Sell Ardea Real Outcome

               Following a period of ongoing review, we haven’t been able to retain the requisite conviction in Ardea
               Real Outcome to retain it in the portfolios. Whilst returns have been below expectations, the lower
               conviction is a result of both people and process. The manager has seen quite a few senior departures
               over the last few years. We raised some process concerns a little while ago which the manager
               acknowledged and was working towards rectifying. But the regular updates we’ve received since
               haven’t shown much in the way of progress and the manager hasn’t done a good enough job
               explaining the process they’ve gone through.

               Buy AB Global Dynamic Global Fixed Income

               A relatively unconstrained bond fund which aims to generate a cash plus 3-4% return each year whilst
               limiting volatility to traditional bond levels. It focuses its attention on corporate credit, with
               government bonds and currency management largely being used as a defensive measure. The team is
               well experienced, and the investment approach makes extensive use of the firm’s wider fixed income
               resources. The team actively manages the portfolio around 3 broad sleeves: core (high-grade
               corporate bonds), return-seeking (emerging markets and high yield), and defensive (government
               bonds and currency hedging). The fund has sufficient flexibility to invest across the fixed income
               spectrum include investment grade credit, asset-backed securities, high yield, bank loans, and
               emerging market debt. This gives the investment team the ability to meet its return targets in both
               rising and falling yield environments. This flexibility also allows the investment to protect and possibly
               benefit from significant market moving events.
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