Page 1 - Private Wealth Best of Breed (Assertive) PDF Factsheet
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SMA Portfolio Change

               Best of Breed SMA (Assertive)

               As at 11 December 2024

               Fund Closure

               We were recently advised that a fund within your portfolio would be closed. We have therefore made
               a replacement as follows:

               CLOSED Flinders Emerging Companies

               The Flinders Emerging Companies fund has been closed by the manager’s responsible entity due to
               declining funds under management. Whilst longer term performance has been reasonable, shorter-
               term performance has been weak versus expectations and the peer group, which had hampered
               flows into the fund. Money that was held in the fund has now been paid to cash, ready to be
               reallocated to a new investment option.

               REPLACE WITH Investors Mutual WS Australian Smaller Companies Fund

               Investors Mutual (IML) uses a long-standing process with significant experience at the top of the firm.
               The manager was established in 1998 and uses a disciplined quality and value investment style. The
               fund’s objective is long-term capital growth, downside protection with lower volatility, consistent
               income, and active ownership. The well-resourced investment team is led by Hugh Giddy and Simon
               Conn, with Conn at the helm of the small companies strategy for well over a decade. Conn is very ably
               supported by Lucas Goode on the strategy, whilst Marc Whittaker’s coverage of mid-caps also
               provides support. IML’s approach can best be described as patient, disciplined and with a long-term
               focus. They seek companies with a competitive advantage, with recurring earnings, run by capable
               management, that can grow, all at a reasonable price. This usually leads to an underweight to the
               materials sector. The fund has exhibited strong outperformance over the longer term with
               significantly less volatility than the index, at a very attractive fee


                   PSK Financial Services Group Pty Ltd (ABN 24 134 987 205) trading as PSK Private Wealth and Employee Representatives of PSK Advisory Services Pty Ltd trading as PSK Private Wealth are all representatives of AFS licensee, PSK
                   Advisory Services Pty Ltd (ABN 30 008 587 595) AFSL #234656. This document contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to
                   consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information.