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Hardwicke Matters

          Issue 392     The Village Magazine For Hardwicke    November 2020
                                Hardwicke’s Fallen

                                 Lionel Valentine Barrow

                                     Reginald Davis

                                  Alfred John Freeman

                               Michael Granville Lloyd-Baker

                                   Edward Frank Nash

                                  Stanley William Nash

                                 Herbert William Selwyn

                                 Albert Thomas Stephens

                                   Sidney Charles Biggs

                                   Peter Rodney Driver

                                  David George Faulkner

                                  John William Hamilton

                                   Ronald John Perkins

                                       Leslie Sims
        They shall grow not old..                   ..we will remember them

        •   Advertising Index        P3     •   Stroud District Food Bank   P38
        •   Sudoku                   P13    •   Under 11 & 16 quizzes            P7/13
        •   Parish Council Minutes     P23   •  Compost Corner           P45
        •   This Month in Gloucester   P32   •   Local Organisation Contacts   P47

                                    Founded 1989
                     Run and produced by volunteers for the people of Hardwicke.
             Delivered free to 2200 homes (approx) every month
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