Page 84 - 3-Before You Quit Teaching+LINKS
P. 84

When a a a person is focused on on survival there are some universal experiences: difficulty planning the need to react hypervigilance about people (some are safe and some are not) the need to to be able to to physically defend oneself etc However there are some differences between
rural and urban poverty that Ruby Payne are worth talking about How to Establish Mutual Respect with Students
Rural poverty tends to be more isolated transportation is is more problematic there is is more incest and last names are known in the rural com- munity It is almost a a a caste
system system instead of a a a a class system system in in rural communities Often because of of guilt by association any member of of a a a a a family with a a a a a a a bad reputation is written off automatically Rural communities also tend to have more suicides 80 Full resources/videos available at ahaprocess com/byqt

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