Page 21 - Off Grid East Cost Spring 2017
P. 21

As part of this effort, the Centre for Local Prosperity recently announced that it is the major Canadian collaborator and partner for Project Drawdown ( which is now launching internationally. This ambitious global effort to address climate change is looking to scale carbon solutions that are already available to most communities to the world.
What is Drawdown?
(adapted from
Drawdown is that point in time when greenhouse gases peak and begin to decline on a year-to-year basis. It
is the most important goal for humanity to undertake. It is not a daydream because Drawdown is based on research that maps, measures, and models solutions that are already in place.
“At its core, Drawdown is a clear and detailed case of what is possible. We are counting what counts. By collectively drawing down carbon, we lift up all of life. We have the technologies, but we really have no sense of what it would take to deploy them at scale. Together, let’s figure it out.”
Drawdown starts to tell a new story of possibility, grounded in data and analysis. By cataloging what we already know how to do — and are already doing — we paint a picture of human brilliance, capability, and compassion. The skill and determination being expressed by humanity is a fact-based counter argument to the narrative that climate change is too vast, too hard, or too complex to tackle. In actuality there are many reasons to believe. Indeed, Drawdown analyzes 100 solutions that can be applied at the local community level.
Paths to drawdown
There are three paths to Drawdown:
[1] reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere through efficiency and resource productivity;
[2] replace existing energy sources with low carbon renewable energy;
[3] and bio-sequester carbon dioxide through innovative farming, grazing and reforestation practices.
Some of the Drawdown solutions that tie in with off-grid local-energy living include co-generation, concentrated solar, direst air capture, energy storage, electric bikes, geothermal, grid flexibility, heat pumps, in-stream hydro, insulation, LED lighting, living buildings, methane digesters, micro-wind turbines, micro-grids, net-zero buildings, rooftop solar, smart grids, smart thermostats, solar water and wind turbines. These solutions can be found on the website, and will be more detailed in a forthcoming book.
In the year ahead, the Centre for Local Prosperity
will be working closely with Drawdown senior staff, and talking with communities in the Atlantic Canada region about where they can begin with municipal policy and programs, community projects and business opportunities to implement the solutions of Project Drawdown in their community.
Clear Power Solutions
Providing the power you need
We can offer:
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We specialize in off grid homes, cottages, communication sites, camps, grit tie solar with the option of battery backup, and domestic solar hot water systems.
We have 9+ year experience in the Atlantic Canada solar industry and 20+ year experience in the battery industry with telecomm companies and the medical industry in Atlantic Canada.
We’ll work with you to determine your needs, and deliver the services you want. Contact us today 1-888-653-9026.
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