Page 11 - SS22 Tools & Gadgets Int
P. 11

   Colourworks Brights Five Piece
Measuring Spoon Set
Assorted coloured measuring spoons. 1⁄4 teaspoon to
1 tablespoon. Tagged. CWMSPOONSET
Colourworks Classics Five Piece
Measuring Spoon Set
Assorted coloured measuring spoons. 1⁄4 teaspoon to
1 tablespoon. Tagged. CWCLMSPOONSET
    spoons detach from starage ring
spoons detach from starage ring
  Colourworks Brights Four Piece
Measuring Cup Set
Long handled assorted coloured measuring cups. /1 8 cup to 1 cup. Tagged. CWMCUPSET
Colourworks Classics Four Piece
Measuring Cup Set
Long handled assorted coloured measuring cups. /1 8 cup to 1 cup. Tagged. CWCLMCUPSET
     Colourworks Brights Three Piece Measuring Jug Sets
With matching coloured handles these three piece jug sets (200ml, 400ml and 900ml) are available in four colours. Jugs are individually barcoded allowing them to be sold as a set or as separate pieces. Sleeved.
1. Cherry
2. Plum
3. Apple
4. Blueberry

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