Page 453 - SS21 Cook & Dine Catalogue French
P. 453

                                             MasterClass Stainless Steel
Easy Release Ice Cream Scoop
KitchenCraft Stainless
Steel Ice Cream Scoop
With oval tubular handle. Labelled.
KitchenCraft Stainless
Steel Ice Cream Scoop
With soft grip handle. Tagged.
MasterClass Stainless
Steel Ice Cream Scoop
With soft grip handle and thumb hold. Carded. MCSGNWSSIC
With an angled aluminium head and release button. Carded. MCICS
Scoops, Servers & Nut Crackers
        aluminium piercing head softens ice cream
Assorted Cake Servers
1. MasterClass soft grip cake server MCSGNWCS
BarCraft Deluxe
Nut Cracker with Cork Remover
Cast nut crackers with a satin silver finish and inset non-slip soft grip panels. Carded.
release button
piercing tip
2. KitchenCraft stainless steel oval handled cake server KCPROCS
3. KitchenCraft stainless steel soft grip handled cake server KCSGCS
MasterClass Deluxe
Nut Cracker
Spring loaded. Carded. KCNUTPRO
4. MasterClass stainless steel cake and pie server MCPIESERV
5. Alice in Wonderland ceramic handled cake server VAAWCS
           KitchenCraft Chrome
Nut Cracker
Mirror polished finish. Carded. KCCRACKER

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