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P. 36

   KitchenCraft Living Nostalgia 50cm Outdoor Wall Thermometer
Stylish deep grey colour coated steel with -20°C to 50°C display. Tagged. LNODTH50
wall fixings included
MasterClass Stainless Steel Three Minute Sand Timer 4cm x 10cm. Display boxed. KCMCEGGTIM
Colourworks Brights Three Minute
Miniature Egg Sand Timers
A counter top display with twenty-four hourglass timers with assorted coloured sand. Individually labelled. CWSANDTIMDISP24
KitchenCraft 20cm Plastic
Thermometers & Sand Timers
MasterClass Stainless Steel Triple Sand Timer With three, four and
five minute timers. Display boxed. KCMCTIM3
  Wall Thermometer
-20°C to 50°C. Blister packed. KCPLSWALL
     MasterClass Hourglass Three Minute Sand Timer 6.5cm x 16cm. Tagged. MCSANDTIM
Natural Elements Thirty Minute
Hourglass Sand Timer
With separate acacia wood base. 8cm x 21.5cm. Gift tagged. NEHOUR

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