Page 3 - Homemade 2019
P. 3
Home Made Glass Preserving Jars
Preserving jars in assorted shapes and sizes all with twist off screw top lids. Loose.
1. Hexagonal jar 55ml (1.9oz) KCJARHEX55
2. Hexagonal jar 110ml (3.8oz) KCJARHEX110
3. Hexagonal jar 227ml (8oz) KCJARHEX8
4. Hexagonal jar 340ml (12oz) KCJARHEX12
5. Round jar 454ml (1lb) KCJARRD1
6. Round jar 907ml (2lb) KCJARRD2
Home Made 480ml (1lb) Glass Assorted Print Jar
Clear glass with assorted jam and chutney related decoration. Each jar has a silver screw band lid with integral rubber seals. Labelled. KCHMJARDECASTD
Home Made Glass Mini 100ml
Home Made Traditional
Hexagonal Chutney Pots
Glass Beehive Honey Pot
650ml with airtight silicone seal. Tagged.
A counter top display with eighteen clip top jars, each with airtight silicone seals. KCHMJARHEXDISP
Home Made Glass Mini
Home Made Glass Mini
60ml Round Spice Pots
120ml Round Jam Pots
A counter top display with eighteen clip top jars, each with airtight silicone seals. KCHMJARRDDISP
A counter top display with eighteen clip top jars, each with airtight silicone seals. KCHMJARMINIDISP